Thursday, August 26, 2021


Hello! This week for inquiry we are studying on one particular animal! The animal I choosed was a Koala! When I first started it, I did it on a google doc but later on I thought google slides might be better. So then I opened a new slide and started putting the things that were on my doc on my new slide! I really enjoyed doing it and now I'm finished! With some finishing touch ups I inserted some images a videos! The teacher only said to do up to 8 slides but I thought maybe ten slides because I had great idea's of what to put on it! When I was half way through my 9th slide I forgot that I had to put it in one of my folders. So then I went on my drive and went to put it in a folder, But then I didn't know which folder to put it in. Thats when I know I had to go on the new google classroom and add a class comment. When I wrote my need. I sat there and waited awhile hoping that someone will answer soon! After a few minutes... The teacher answered! He said to put it in our projects folder. So then I just moved it in my projects folder and finished off the rest! :D


  1. Hi Amelia,
    Awesome choice of animal. What made you decide on a Koala? I think on the Meet I said to do no less than 8 slides. If you have more than that, that's great.

  2. Hey Amelia

    I love that you talked through your whole thought process. Sharing what worked and what didn’t work. I don’t know much about google programmes so I think I might’ve gone straight to google docs first too! Do you think you could’ve added some pictures to your entry? Or maybe the first slide of your study? Keep it up :)


    Kia Ora Amelia

    You have done a lot of writing about what you have been doing regarding the inquiry learning process. I wonder if next time you could share one of the slides you made about Koalas. I look forward to seeing your next blog. From Mrs A


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